View Full Version : thunderbird t3 turbo fatory psi

02-13-2006, 11:53 AM
i bought a t3 turbo off a 84 thunder bird its in good shape very very little shaft play and i fabed up a custom mani the only thing stoping me is waiting on my bov to get here and i dont know what the acuator is set at for the waste gate idont want to go over 7 psi and iv searched every thunderbird site i could find with no luck can some one please help me if its over 7psi i can get a atcuator off a factory sr t25 but thats more fab work to make it fit so if any body can help me that would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance

02-14-2006, 07:30 PM
I have seen them vary greatly..........dont know if any others will work.