View Full Version : Ebay Seats...?

02-12-2006, 09:49 AM
I was just wondering if anyone has had any experience with ebay "racing seats". I've seen some pretty nice, clean and label-less ones when I searched around and decided ultimately that I just do not have enough money to buy any brand name ones. I've searched and found that the most common issue is safety, but if anyone has pics, that would help too. thanks!

02-12-2006, 09:59 AM
Don't cheap out on safety. Be patient and save up for a real seat. Most knock-off companies don't do the same R&D as the Name Brand companies. Some other knock-off companies just buy the Name Brand seats at the original manufacturers cost and just don't slap the high dollar name label on them. It's a gamble to find a good one. My safety is not an area I'm willing to gamble on.

02-12-2006, 10:05 AM
I suggest you buy a name brand seat. I bought one of the ebay seats for my first one. It lasted like maybe 3 months and then the padding started comming off of the frame, verry uncomfortable, not to mention unsafe. I then bought a Bride after I saved for a bit. I should have just bought the bride in the beginning it is really nice, comfortable, and safe. so don't cheap out.

02-12-2006, 11:35 AM
If you have an s13 upgrading to s14 seats with a harness is more then enough. Things definitely get the job done. If you want it for bling purposes start savin.

02-12-2006, 11:43 AM
Yeah you guys are right. I believe in the saying "you get what you paid for" and I probably will suffer at the end. Have any of you heard, or tried using the sparco evo seats and welding them on to the stock seat frames?

02-12-2006, 11:45 AM
Agreed. And if you can find a name brand seat in carbon fiber , get it soon. CF prices will almost double by this summer. No joke.

02-12-2006, 03:57 PM
Why would carbon fiber prices double this summer?

02-12-2006, 04:03 PM
^Supply and Demand.

02-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Because raw spools are going straight to the aerospace manufacturers due to recent booms in new jet orders both military and commercial. Weavers are in the dog house for 06'. Trust me when i say, $hit is about to change really fast. Raw spool production is being completely sucked up by them. The CF industry was not doing well until recent aircraft orders from europe in particular. So that is why the aftermarket was flooded with CF parts. 2X2 Twill cannot be found in more than 5 yard rolls and no less than $50 per yard. This crisis (and it is a crisis for the commercial sector) has been creeping up but finally became reality in January. Fun time is over. You will be seeing the $1,000 CF hoods again.

Why would carbon fiber prices double this summer?

02-12-2006, 05:16 PM
get some fake bride seats. there big and gross... but a lot better than the other rice shit

02-12-2006, 07:39 PM
u want the cheap seats from ebay, save yourself the shipping charge and go to PEP BOY's...LOL Those seats suck, save your money for some MOMO's,Reccaro's, Sparco's or brides, or something like that made of quality..........

02-12-2006, 10:19 PM
Upgrade to s14 seats or s15, or Z32 or Z33 even..

Don't get cheap e-bay shit unless you can afford to skimp on quality.

02-12-2006, 10:33 PM
I'd go with R32 seats, or Buddy club
you can get both pretty cheap....for a seat

02-12-2006, 11:59 PM
Tenzo R's are about the only cheap seat with similar build quality to their sparco copy mates,

Ive had Tenzo R's in both of my daily drivers (one set has been in for almost 4 years with no fading or material pulling off or anything, One of the cars burnt out a while back due to the diff exploding and putting ATF all over my rear header and the seat construction was neer identical (behind the scene's) to the Sparco units.

When we used to build "go-carts" we baught a few cheapie seats off ebay and our biggest probem was that they were to small, like they were design for midgets, even our welder who was 5ft 4 couldnt fit into them properly, we kept 2 of the nicer ones for his kids, 3 weeks later they started to fall apart...

02-13-2006, 11:48 AM
I go with the Jic Racing Seats.

02-13-2006, 12:01 PM
I just do not have enough money to buy any brand name ones

I think if you look at the big picture, you'll see that you don't have enough money for the knock-offs either. BTW, I'm down with some eBay knock-off sh!t, but seats are best avoided:

The cheapest pair of knock-off seats on ebay are ~$300 shipped. They come with 'universal' sliders. They won't work properly with the S13 floor/bolt pattern.

You will need to do heavy fabrication to get them to work. How much will that cost? $100? $200? If you do it yourself, will it be a quality job?

Will the custom brackets maintain you and your passenger's safety?

How does the material and build quality compare to a name brand or S15/R32 OEM seat?

Can you get a good set of used OEM or name brand seats with the correct hardware, for a similar price?

Does the company offer a money-back guarantee (shipping & item) if you are unhappy with any of the above areas of the seat?


Megan Racing is selling seats with sliders for the 240sx. I've been pretty impressed with the MR exhaust components (turbo elbow & downpipe), does anyone have any experience with the Megan seats?

02-13-2006, 12:06 PM
megan racing seats are super crap, thoes should be marketed as couches, not racing seats

02-13-2006, 12:11 PM
If you don't have the money right now or in the near future....would saving up pretty much solve everything?

02-13-2006, 04:22 PM
These guys do free ground shipping on orders over $200
This link is for their Charge speed seats. They have one for $339 shipped

02-13-2006, 04:23 PM
The only problem with Z32 seats is that they weigh like 50 pounds a piece. They look bad ass but are morbidly obese from all the power options and their size. Try gutting your s13 seat. I gutted my support wires and back supports out and could'nt be happier. I've had s14 seats too, I didn't like them. It's up to you though. Why not just buy one seat? Like most of us on here if your on a budget just get one for the driver.

02-13-2006, 11:49 PM
sciamop, thanks a lot for the reply. It helps

BlackSilEighty, I think your right. I'm going to just save up. But, seeing that I'm a student without the best budget, I was originally planning on buying a used quality seat, my only worry is buying the other matching passenger side. lol. overall, I am not getting ebay seats. I mean, seats are probably one of the most important features of your car, you friggin sit in them every time u drive.

02-14-2006, 12:20 AM
I know a few people personally that have bought eBay and Pep Boys (APC) racing seats and never even installed them because they were so crappy. You have a good working seat right now right? Just use it. Save up for a nice pair in the meantime and get what you really want. Do it right the first time because you'll thank yourself later.

I knew one guy that had a "Mugen" (or whatever the Honda tuner company is) brand seat that he got off eBay and the stitching unravelled and the Lettering on the headrest rubbed off. He only had it installed for 6-7 months before he sold his car. They are definately fake knock-offs so beware.

02-14-2006, 02:55 AM
Well for one I have sat in the Megan Racing seats and I liked them. For people say that they are couches you might explain yourself or how big you are, a meduim to tall person fit fine. I am 6' 4" and 220 and I fit perfect, I also sat in a Sparco Torino 2 seat which are NICE and they fit bigger people too. If you are under 5' 8" I wouldnt get megan racing seats. Just thought I would share my insight.

02-14-2006, 02:59 AM
A seat is something you DO NOT want to cheap out on.

02-14-2006, 08:58 AM
sciamop, thanks a lot for the reply. It helps

No problem -- I've thought alot about seats for my S13. I think the best value are the R32 Skyline GT-R seats:

-- 3 of the 4 bolts line up (drill a new hole for 4th)
-- Fancy suede material (it's grippy too)
-- excellent support + 4 point harness compatible
-- cost around $500 (gotta find 'em on the east coast though)
-- JDM titeness

A couple years ago, I bought, fixed and sold a Porsche 944. The pleather seats were in shreds, so I purchased a pair of APC racing seats for ~$350 shipped. They were extremely uncomfortable, didn't have quick tilt forward, smelled like a burning sneaker and had several flaws in the stitching. The only thing good about those seats: they looked pretty good in the car...

02-14-2006, 02:05 PM
If you have an s13 upgrading to s14 seats with a harness is more then enough. Things definitely get the job done. If you want it for bling purposes start savin.

word, I have S14 seats and i just installed a schroth harness w/ tension reel that i got for $23 shipped on eBay. It'll definitely hold you. the tension reel is cool cuz it's got an inertia switch so you can move around, but when the switch sees .5 g's it locks the belt in place. you can also wire a kill switch to keep it locked so you can really strap yourself in for events. if you find a tension reel setup coupes have a perfect spot to mount it right next to the left rear speaker.

02-14-2006, 11:56 PM
So does anyone have pics of 350z seats in an s13?