View Full Version : low psi wastegate

02-12-2006, 04:23 AM
im looking for just any ssautochrome/xs power/any other "tial style" external wastegates that have lower spring ratings on them (6psi and under). my budget is starting to run thin and i need this part. thanks!

02-12-2006, 11:04 PM
Its the spring that goes in the wastegate that determines boost level. You can buy any one and just put a low PSI spring in it.

For example, I have a tial 35mm wastegate with an 8psi and/or a 4 psi spring.

02-13-2006, 01:59 PM
yea i understand how the spring and wastegate work i was just lookin to see if somebody had one with a low psi rated spring already that they were lookin to get rid of cuz i wasnt really wanting to go spring shopping as well but i guess i could. anybody have any tial style wastegate for sale then? im really on a budget, throw me an offer. thanks!