View Full Version : Turn Signal Hazard Side Marker Problem

02-11-2006, 05:15 AM
I tried searching, but it looks like the search function is down since it takes so long to get the results! Anyways, I've had a problem with my signal lights hazards and side markers. Well the problem is that it's not working. I checked the fuse and theyre all good. Checked the bulbs, all good. Checked the Harnesses, good too. ANyone know whats wrong wit them? I've had a problem with it before and the fuse was the problem and all i did was change it and now thats not it. anyone?

02-11-2006, 07:33 AM
What car is this, please? And what front end does it have? Do you have a pix so we know which light it is you're talking about?

Check the flasher relay. It's under the steering column somewhere. That's the best I (and probably all of us) can do for you unless you answer my questions above.

P.S. You may want to get a mod to delete the duplicate thread before they get ticked off at you.

03-03-2006, 05:30 AM
sry for the double post before could a mod delete this post.