View Full Version : The end of the internet?

02-02-2006, 06:41 PM
Interesting read....


I hope this is not a repost....anyways....DISCUSS!!

cliff notes:

cable and phone companies want to charge internet by usage, i.e. number of downloads you can do

restrict bandwidth depending on what your using, i.e. P2P applications get low bandwidth

drill you with ads from various companies, simliar to TV commericals

monitor what your doing and know exactly who it is, and handle it accordingly, i.e. restrict access, or charge a fee

02-02-2006, 06:54 PM
These styling's have been tried and tested many times already. Its just they want the ability to monitor what you do "hmm spyware comes to mind" not that they cant check on their ports anyway. But for them to legally find out what you are doing and have port restrictions and cap speeds for non advertisement materials.

They make enough money.. why would that want to make more? (greed)

I think the major concern about this is they are trying to make SPYWARE legal.
But if thats true. After its passed ( the law) any software with malcontent is legal, which means jo smith from down the road can infect your system and hapily look at your data.

...have a nice day :|