View Full Version : S13 Fastback Rear Wiper Stuck!? Uhh....

02-02-2006, 05:03 PM
Well yeah it finally bugged me and Im wondering why my rear wiper is stuck and cant move at all, what do you guys think is wrong? blown motor? all fuses are fine, anyone ever have a problem like this?

08-11-2006, 07:55 PM
i have a similiar problem or maybe the same. I have found out that there are four wires going to the rear wiper motor. Black and lt grn are grounds, while the org and lt blue are hots. I have also found out that once I grounded the lt grn wire the wiper motor worked. I tested my switch and found out that it worked so I'm thinking that it is the rear wiper amp that is the problem. All though my rear washer still works which also goes through the wiper amp. I gonna to test my wiper amp like the service manual states and see if its any good or not and I'll post a reply to solve this problem. I'm trying to keep a car that looks stock with lots of goodies aka sleeper.